Memoir Editing Package

What will you get:

Personal treatment

Memoirs are supposed to be about your story and you are the world's leading authority on your story. Tell us about it in an online 1-on-1 session.

Proper Guidance

We know it can be daunting to start. We provide step-by-step guidance on how to write your first three chapters.

Expert editing

After you have written your memoir of 10 chapters, around 100 pages, we'll take a thorough look and offer suggestions to make it most compelling.

We'll work with you on two revisions and follow up with a final edit that's ready to be read by generations to come.

Fully-fledged memoir

The Holy Grail, this is what you are after.

10 Chapters, 100 Pages of just pure you.

Bonus materials include:

Copy of the Book Fire in The Belly: How to write your novel with Purpose and Passion

Memoir Writing Video Lessons

from Fire in the Belly, Write to be Read

Information about you

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Helping you tell your story